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An Adventure In Forgiveness

Life is an adventure in forgiveness.

- Norman Cousins


So many of us go to our final rest with regret and anger in our heart. And so many more of us go to bed each night with the same regret and anger, not consciously realizing we may not live to see another sunrise. Ah, such is the plight of the human journey. We occupy our days finding faults within ourselves. And if that isn't enough, we then turn our focus outward to discover those same faults in others and then point fingers. It's a never ending cycle of blame and pain.


But true enough, my friend, just as the seasons change, eventually healing must occur for each of us. We can't continue to cut open our own personal wounds just to see if they're healing. As the old parental adage applies, "Don't pick at it or it'll never heal." So it is also with our own personal failings, flaws and mistakes. Yes, it's important to know the origins and habituations of our wrongs but there eventually comes a time when we need to simply be forgiven and need to forgive... and move on. It is one of the characteristics that greatly distinguishes us from the rest of animal life on our planet. And it is one of the most mysterious and wondrous gifts from the Grand Creator. For the more we forgive, the greater our ability to love becomes. How is this possible? That remains a mystery.


And Mr. Cousins is right on the money when he states Life to be "an adventure" in forgiveness. Forgiveness opens up doors and windows to wonderful parts of our inner being that haven't been able to present themselves for quite some time. Research has shown that even our very physiological processes are altered when we forgive or are forgiven. Our heart rate decreases, our blood pressure lowers, our digestion improves, etc. It has been said that the heaviest organ in our body is a guilty conscience. And the most powerful ability within our grasp? A clean conscience.

Forgiveness. It is most assuredly an adventure to the very center of our physical and spiritual well-being... and beyond...


We should perform at least two acts of forgiveness of every wrong-doing

of our own, thus we become twice as grateful as we are apologetic.

- Lee Hoedl

© 2007 by Lee Hoedl;  hoedl's haven productions

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