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November 6, 2021

Heartache. It's that powerful nagging, stinging, and painful thought that very few are able to articulate. It's that voice deep in our consciousness that asks us, "What could you have done differently to change the present outcome?" Unfortunately, like the end of a relationship or the passing of a loved one, sometimes there was and is nothing one could have done. It just happens. It's how we respond to that heartache that makes all the difference in the world, my friend.


The solace and comfort simply comes from (1) knowing you did the best that was humanly possible, (2) surrounding yourself by and anchoring yourself to loved ones and (3) knowing that the intensity of this heartache is only temporary. It will and often does acquiesce to fond memories, embellished memories, lessons learned and very few regrets.


Some would say, without heartache, one would never know sublime joy. There is some truth to that belief. But in my life I have come to accept that heartache occurs because we initially took the risk to experience the potential of sublime joy in a relationship, in a venture, in a sport... and it ended without our permission. So, my friend, we either resign ourselves to never invest ourselves again or to take that risk again... and again... again... I'm a fond lover of always taking that risk, because without the risk, there is no chance at all of sublime joy.


To my son Nicholas who is not on FB, I would say, "You took that risk every day. You rode that bronco until it bucked you and you got back up on it again. And it was on the back of that beast you that experienced the sublime joy most will never risk to experience. Cherish that experience, covet that experience, learn from that experience. And risk again... and again... and again.

© 2007 by Lee Hoedl;  hoedl's haven productions

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