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Lee Hoedl Quotes

It is my sincere hope that any and all of these thoughts might inspire your spirit, my friend.  We are all here to inspire each other to our finish line.




One's tenacity is rarely measured in terms of success and failure, but is measured by the depth of one's willingness to do whatever is required to accomplish a goal... to never give up and never stop trying.

- Lee Hoedl


There are only two choices you have today when it comes to experiences you have with others in each moment:

A.  Life others ups.

B.  Bring others down.

Your decision in each interaction is crucial and life changing.

- Lee Hoedl


You can't pick up one end of the pencil without the other end.  Translation:  Your actions will always come with consequences. Pick anger/envy, you will receive your consequences.  Pick joy/graciousness, you will receive your consequence.  It is a constant in the human existence.

- Lee Hoedl


The perfect balance in Life is when you accept the fact that you are an insignificant being in an ever expanding universe while simultaneously being a significant being in the very present moment of your life and those around you.

It is my belief that if you can accept this, you will find a renewed wonder of life.  In general, find added joy and excitement in your moments, and sleep much better at night.

- Lee Hoedl



My personal life mantra.

- Lee Hoedl


You are your best advocate and your worst excuse.  Make sure you are stronger than your worst excuse.

- lee Hoedl


Did you come to school this morning or come to learn?  Your answer to this question sets into motion two different life journeys.  Coming to school simply means you are occupying space and air.  Coming to learn means you are expanding that space and air within yourself to become smarter and wiser.

- Lee Hoedl


One of the greatest powers you have within your grasp is the ability to forgive; to forgive others and yourself.

- Lee Hoedl


To find meaning in one's life is to understand, answer, and follow the unique purpose to which one is called.  Peace be the journey toward and beyond the purpose that is calling you.

 - Lee Hoedl


Each day comes bearing its own unique present.  Take time to untie the ribbon.

- Lee Hoedl


Glowing mind embers

Seraching silently for me

on this journey home.

- Lee Hoedl


It's difficult to lose with dignity and, at times, it is much more difficult to win with grace and humbleness.

- Lee Hoedl


Live your dreams, not your circumstances.

- Lee Hoedl


Life's deepest lessons are often where you least expect them.

- Lee Hoedl


We may look to the autumn of our life and journey as a doorway to decline and futility...

we must walk with hope through these moments, regardless of what we feel and see our efforts have achieved.

- Lee Hoedl


Hindsight is good.

Foresight is better.

Insight is best.

- Lee Hoedl


He entered the journey with unwavering faith;

He continues the journey with boundless hope;

He invites us to the journey with infinite love.


Beyond the scourgings of human struggles,

Beyond the cross of human existence,

Beyond the tomb of human death.


There remains unwavering faith, boundless hope, and infinite love.

He invites us into, through, and beyond our journey.

- Lee Hoedl


We must respect the sacredness of the present moment, though we don't fully understand or fathom its meaning.

Autumn rarely reveals its splendor in midsummer.

- Lee Hoedl


What does this moment reveal to me about my hopes, my fears, my views and perspective about myself?

- Lee Hoedl


Opportunity entered into by one's actions will create consequences;

Opportunity entered into with one's heart will ultimately create change.

- Lee Hoedl


The great irony is this: it is often the activities and events of life that become our largest obstacle to "Life."

- Lee Hoedl


To be immersed in Life's activities without the intent of being immersed in its purpose is to be



© 2007 by Lee Hoedl;  hoedl's haven productions

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