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In This Life, You Are an Owner or Renter

"In this Life, you are either an owner or a renter."

It's a poignant line from a television show that should cause each of us to pause.

In this Life, my friend, don't let anyone fool into thinking that you are an Owner. We are all simply renters: renters of time, of wealth, of experience... and we take nothing of it with us. It is simply what we leave behind for others - good will and deeds - that is of any value at all.

Today I was notified by a dear friend that his life is presently limited due to evasive brain tumors... and I never even knew he was sick or ill.

On behalf of my friend Mark, I ask you to seriously ponder these questions separately before moving on to the next question: 

If I had only 20 years to live, what would I do with my life?

Now, if I had only 5 years to live, what would I do with my life?

Now, if I only had 1 year to live, what would I do with my life?

Now, if I only had 2 months to live, what would I do with my life?

Notice how your answer changes for each response.

We are all spiritual beings walking through a physical world; we are renters of an amount of time of which we have no idea the quantity.

Arriving at that last question of 2 months to live, how did you respond? Now my question to you is simply this: "Why are you waiting to enact those intiatives?" The Almighty gives each of us a "Limited Time Offer" to enact those kind deeds, to say those thoughtful words and to envoke those powerful motivations to those around us.  

"LIMITED" time, my friend. That is the key to our rentership in this Life. As for my classmate and friend, Mark, he has been the most noble and wonderful renter of this Life that I know.

© 2007 by Lee Hoedl;  hoedl's haven productions

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