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Stoplights, Crossroads and Choices

Two men were in a car when they had to stop at a red signal light. The man at the wheel did not say anything. The other man by his side, fretting and fuming, said, "The time we waste at these red lights - why, a man could write a book!"


The driver still said nothing.


Finally the man beside him said, "Didn't you hear what I said?"




"How come?"


"I was talking."


"To whom were you talking to?"


"I was talking to God," he said. "I've been making it a practice every time I get to a red light to pray for one of my friends. It is wonderful how many folks I have on my prayer list and how many I have time to pray for in this way." 




This is a story, had she saw it first, my wife Di would have had me read over and over again. Yes, I freely admit that I have been guilty of being a member of the fretting stoplight gang - those that worry that the light might not change for at least the next half hour. While at the intersection, the forming frown quickly turns into a frustrated comment and before you know it... the light changes... and life goes on.


© 2007 by Lee Hoedl;  hoedl's haven productions

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