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Sunday's Coming

My friend, we all have had "Friday moments" in our life and we will continue those Friday moments until the day we draw our last breath. Those moments that seem to have been vacuumed of all hope. Those moments when the fog of confusion, desperation and pain is so thick you can taste it. Those moments where its bleakness mirrors our weakness. Moments that whisper chillingly in our ear, "There is no way out. There are no alternatives. There is no tomorrow for your dreams." And there is no getting around those Friday moments than to go through them.


You know exactly what I am writing about and you probably are envisioning one of those moments presently.


But trust me when I say those Friday moments/challenges are simply a precursor to the Sundays that are about to unfold before our eyes. We just have to hang on a little while longer beyond those Friday sunsets.


Our Sunday moment is most assuredly coming, just beyond our Friday trial. Beyond our fear of the disease with which we were just diagnosed. Beyond the daily worry of the elements of Life we can't control. Beyond the despair that blinds the human eye. Beyond the relationship(s) that are dissolving before our very eyes. That Sunday moment is most assuredly coming.


And when it arrives (as you've witnessed it has in your past), its morning light will warm your heart again. It's brightness will be a beacon to propel you forward. Its clarity will bring your heart and mind peace.


My friend, if you are presently in a Friday moment, continue on through it - regardless of your ability to understand it or conquer it - and hang on a little while longer. Sunday is just around the corner.

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© 2007 by Lee Hoedl;  hoedl's haven productions

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