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Let The Test Scores Fall Where They May

November 7, 2021

This morning our priest spoke in his homily about the "particular judgment" and the "general judgment" we each will face at the end of our death/end of time...

It may simply be my own perception but it seemed he focused primarily on how to avoid a "negative" particular judgment - whereby at your death, when you are personally judged by the Almighty, you've done all you can to avoid Hell's fire and fury.

My friend, here is my belief and perspective (which we are each open to have): "Do not spend your time trying to avoid a poor score on a test." Spend your time focusing on A-ing the exam in this fashion:

- Live each moment of your life with a deep sense of faith in that what you are doing matters and what the Almighty is calling you to do;

- Live each moment of your life within a sense of compassion for that particular moment and those persons involved;

- Live each moment of your life with a powerful sense of hope that your actions will make a positive difference in an individual's life or a positive change in your community... regardless of what your eyes see.

My friend, none of us are in any position to judge one another. No one knows the intent of a heart like the Almighty.  

So, my friend, live your life with reckless and glorious and hopeful and compassionate and merciful abandon. And let the test scores fall where they may.

© 2007 by Lee Hoedl;  hoedl's haven productions

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